The Scent of a Memory

I'm thinking of fragrance & what a gift of the senses it is.
It evokes both mood & memory. In Saudi Arabia, I loved the fragrance of the infused wood chips, burnt over small charcoal rings in a decorative brazier. Not at all like a campfire; more perfumed smoke, aligned with the smoke, versus the perfume essence; sublimely elegant & distinct. I've taken some home with me & I know it will have the power to instantly transport me back to Saudi in an inhalation.
Arriving in Dubai, even before entering the hotel, the perfume sillage enveloped & held you hostage to its powerful imprint. It was strongly possessive & swooningly exotic! I was always happy to return to our hotel & once again be held in the intoxicatingly strong embrace of fragrance.
It got me thinking about how symbiotic scent is to memory & place. As different as Saudi Arabia & Dubai are; the fragrances of each location perfectly resonate & captures an element of their essence.
The scent of a memory can also be held in a beloved garment, imprinted by the power of a moment; when time stood still. Perhaps it was the lingerie set you wore on your wedding day, or on a fantastic trip that still brings a smile to your lips. When you went into battle at work or school; & you triumphed! Every time you slip into the beloved garment you will be enveloped in a memory, that will transport you back to a pivotal, magical moment. May we all be on the scent of a trail that brings us back to joy.