The Season of Magic
I'm at our home in Scotland for a few days & I never tire of the serenity, & the deep restive peace this setting inspires. I'm looking out my window across the field to the loch that's as smooth as a mirror & just as reflective; watching cloud patterns on the water; all very dreamy. I hope to take this calmness with me when we depart for the States tomorrow. That's a gift I will give myself.
During the holiday season, it's easy to lose sight of yourself. There are parties to give & attend, there are gifts... who are we forgetting?! Maybe it's ourselves. Gift yourself kindness. It can be just a few minutes more on yourself, during the course of your day. Linger in your bath a little longer, or a few minutes more enjoying a book. A few stolen moments just for you, can revive your spirit enough for you to truly enjoy this season of magic.
Happy Holidays!