Meditations on Blue

What to do, when you feel yourself slipping into the blues? I'm not talking about the delightful refreshing brace of swimming into the blue. No; this is the stone sinking swiftly feeling. Passing through shades of sky blue, deep blue, midnight blue, cobalt blue, mood indigo blue; can there be a blacker state of blue? When you reach that color, you know you've really hit the blues.
I wonder why, collectively, we've set certain attributes to the color blue? Now, there are some sunny shades of blue, where the bluebird of happiness sings, but the rest of the domain of blues, even the music, is a state of mind, & everyone knows where that is. Surely, the state of blueness, our solitary island of blue; where every single thing is viewed through the prism of deep dark midnight blue, is a desperate place to let the spirit reside unsupported for too long.
Take back your heart by considering the reinterpretation of the color blue. Make cobalt blue exotic; midnight blue mysterious, meditate on the infinite sky blue of hope. Give back a smile to a stranger, sooner or later, maybe you'll find one for yourself. Take care of your spirit, wrap yourself in goodwill for others & maybe you'll start to feel some for you. Actually believe in hope. Dream visions of bright blue for yourself & your world.