Lingerie & Joy

That extra spring in your step when you have a beautiful set concealed beneath your clothes. The deep satisfaction of slipping into silk at the end of a long day. In a society where women are constantly expected to "measure up" on so many levels, it's nice to have something in your world that's just for you, an indulgence in your self worth that no one else needs to know about. Something tangible, unchanging, that simply brings you joy. For us, that's lingerie.

A lingerie collection should offer different styles for different needs. If I need a burst of energy, I’ll slip into a lime green lingerie set. Sleeping in a vibrant yellow silk chemise is sure to have me waking up with a sunnier disposition. The hardest of days call for nights in silk pajamas, as curling up in the full-body embrace of silk can keep stress and sadness at bay. We’ve had clients who are lawyers that wear their “red bra of power” for especially trying court dates, upper-level executives whose stay-up stockings add confidence to corporate meetings, and new mothers who can’t wait for the moment that the baby falls asleep and they can slip into their silk robe and put their feet up. Each and every one of us faces our own challenges and successes in day to day life, but we all have one thing in common: we could all do with a little more everyday joy.

We've never been big fans of "saving" possessions for a special occasion. Glassware, china, clothes, lingerie - what's the point of owning beautiful things if you don't allow yourself the pleasure of using them? What is the function of unused objects, tucked at the back of a drawer or a cupboard? With an inherently finite amount of time on this earth, we want to spend each day celebrating beauty. There is so much more to life than what you own; but why own anything that doesn’t bring a smile to your face? Make your own joy the occasion & surround yourself only with possessions that bring you happiness.


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