“A Certain Way of Living…
…rather than a certain way of dressing,” was how Yves Saint Laurent summed up the mood of Parisian women in the late 1960s. It was all about freedom. Saint Laurent caught the mood of the street and clothed it. Is modern lingerie as revolutionary? At Jane’s Vanity, lovely lingerie is freedom too. It simplifies while it seduces. After that, everything else falls into place.
When you begin to collect Jane’s Vanity, the outer layer doesn’t seem as important. Because the inner layer makes you look and feel beautiful–and joyful. It is personal. Over a new bra and camisole, you might wear a little sweater, unbuttoned slightly. Then a skirt, if you wish. Or jeans. Stockings and accessories follow. You feel creative, empowered, confident.
Saint Laurent belonged to his time. Now street style is the trend-setter. And it can walk on the wild side. LA still seems to get it first, with its mix of cultures, sunshine, rhythm. In that environment, lingerie seems to radiate out. To intermingle and inspire, worldwide. This month, the JV crew will be going to the Salon International de la Lingerie in Paris, to see how it all plays out. And return with new garments and vendors to pique our interest.
There’s a certain way of living in lingerie. No matter where you are. It is universally interesting. And amusing. It speaks to your heart. Then you get dressed.