Sexy Armor

Not since Frozen has a movie character inspired little girls in the way that the protagonist of Wonder Woman has done this summer. How do I know this? From spending an afternoon as a volunteer face painter at our local summer festival. The face of choice was not that of a tiger or a bunny, but the Amazonian super-heroine in her weird forehead crown.

Children are not the only ones enamored of Wonder Woman. Reviews of the movie were great, sequels are planned, and there is even a cape-wearing Barbie version on the market. Wonder Woman has also become a fashion influence. The New York Times calls it “The Wonder Woman Effect.” The movie’s star, Gal Gadot, wears fabulously form-fitting armor that is handmade in the atelier of two London designers who mold and paint leather to rather resemble a metallic corset or bustier. The look has caught on.

Is corsetry in your future? It might be just the thing for your busy life of saving the world. Or it could come to the rescue for an intimate dinner or holiday party. Alternately, consider the magic of the Cadolle Junon Cincher Belt. It can be worn against the skin to accessorize lingerie or over everyday clothing to rev up your look and enhance your waist. You’ll stand taller, and feel Wonnnnnderful

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